What is SWAGGER?

What is SWAGGER?

Sep 25, 2023
A confident entrepreneur standing tall, exuding authority.

SWAGGER is speaking with authority and graciousness, generously educating my Raving fans and clients.


SWAGGER is about communication.

It's about marketing.

It's about sales. But it's all about communication. It's how we communicate with more of our people in order to share our gifts with more of our people.

And our people are those people who decide to raise their hands and say, “You know what, I want to hear and learn about you and what you have to say and what you have to offer.”

Now, our people are those people, who want to be with more of their people.

People who get them people, who feel for them, who want to help them, who want to help others. It’s each one, teach one. Each one, heal one.

When you prosper, I prosper, we all prosper.

Our people are people who are gracious. People who are generous. People who want to change their piece of the world.

Let me tell you, my people, they're, entrepreneurs.

They're aspiring entrepreneurs.

They're entrepreneurs who are running their business right now. My people are creatives, one-day owners, and current-day owners. My people are builders.

They're baby boomers who simply are not finished yet.

My people, are Generation X. That's my folks. That's who I am.

My people are Generation X. We're ready to make a move, because we ain't finished yet. Millennials, they're also my people.

And all of the rest who have something to say.

Now my people, they are excuse-free entrepreneurs with SWAGGER.

And I'm going to say it again. When I say SWAGGER, I mean speaking with authority. I mean speaking with graciousness and generously educating my raving fans and clients.

Now, when we speak with authority listen, I want you to see what I'm saying and I want you to hear what I'm saying.

So, when I say speak with authority, I'm talking about the power of communication in its essence: that's verbal visual, written, and listening.

When I say authority, I'm talking about standing in your personal power, knowing that you have, special gifts and talents that you can share with folks. Standing in your personal power, knowing that you can help, that you want to see your vision come to fruition. That means having confidence and you're committed to excellence.

That's when I say speak with authority.

When I say speak with authority and graciousness, man, listen up.

Graciousness is all about the art of being gracious. And at its core, graciousness is about love and it's about kindness. It's about affirming the other.

I love you and I want the best for you.

And in this world today folks, we need more graciousness.

My friend, I invite you to be more gracious. We're not finished yet. We talk about speaking with authority and graciousness, while at the same time we are being generous.
We are generously educating and that means we're going to give our best stuff away.

Hey look, we all have more to offer than we think we do.

We have tons of talent, tons of gifts. Give your best stuff away. Let people know that you can solve their problem, that you can help them.

And we do this with our people.

And these people, they're going to tell their people.

And guess what? We got Raving Fans. This term Raving Fans I learned from Ken Blanchard it's a great book you’ve got to read it.

So, we put it all together: Speaking With Authority Graciousness Generously Educating Raving fans and clients.

Listen, see what I'm saying?

It's about communication. It's about communicating well. It's about communicating smart.

It's about giving your best stuff away.

It's about standing in your personal power.

That's what it's about to have SWAGGER. It's more than just some words. It's a lifestyle.

It's what you bring to your business.

It's what you bring to your marketing.

It’s what you bring when it comes to selling. It's all about SWAGGER. If you want to make your communication more profitable, then do it with SWAGGER.

We have something called the SWAGGER Report, and that's all about making your communication more profitable.

That's a great way to start with us.

So, folks be well. Know I love ya. It's Marlena M.D. Kelley, the entrepreneur with SWAGGER.

Be sure to sign up and subscribe to the SWAGGER Report. Every Sunday morning, you'll get a tip, a resource, or a strategy to help you unlock the power of impactful communication.

See ya.

Unlock the Power of Impactful Communication


The SWAGGER Report is a weekly short-form newsletter. Every issue arrives Sunday morning and serves as a nudge towards improving your communication. You get a tangible tip, a framework, or a strategy, all designed to amplify your voice: be it on paper, on screen, or on the microphone.

But, my friend, there's more. You also receive an added layer of warmth and nostalgia with a cool Gen-X flashback. You can choose to read each issue, as you listen along for a richer experience. From thought-provoking questions to actionable insights—each piece is short, simple, and rounded off with wisdom through a memorable quote. Dive in, think differently, and implement immediately. Make an impact when you communicate. Subscribe to get started.


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